AnimXNoise: Animated noise!
AspectRatio: Gives the aspect ratio of the input pixel dimensions.
Bias: Adjust the bias of a texture's colors toward black or white with no clipping.
Brightness: Modify the brightness of a texture.
ChannelMixer: Change color per channel.
ChromakeyRGB: Remove alpha from a texture based on color. The RGB approach is generally smoother, but can be too greedy in some cases.
ChromakeyHSL: Remove alpha from a texture based on color. The HSL approach is more accurate than RGB, but more prone to noise.
CMYK2RGB: Convert a CMYK color to RGB.
Colorize: Apply color to a texture based on luminance.
Contrast: Applies contrast to a texture. Allows you set the contrast center point for additional control.
ContrastRGB: Set the contrast of each RGB channel individually.
Crop: Crop a texture with size using center point parameters. Great for preventing UV overflow that is commonly seen with texture transforms.
Exposure: Modify the exposure of a Texture.
Fade: Apply a "fade" effect similar to the Instagram editor.
GradientMap: This patch matches the behavior of the gradient map adjustment layer in Photoshop. Similar to the effect created by passing texture into the input of the Gradient Step patch, but allows more flexibility since you can supply a gradient texture instead of manually defining the steps to create a gradient.
Grayscale: Convert a texture into grayscale based on luminance.
HSLA: Adjust the hue, saturation, lightness, and alpha of a texture.
Invert: Invert colors in a texture.
Lumakey: Create an alpha mask based on luminance
Luminance: Create luminance (perceived brightness) from a color input. This can be used to create black and white images.
Opacity: Simplifies assigning an alpha value to a texture.
RGB2CMYK: Convert a RGB color to CMYK.
ReplaceColor: Replace one color with another.
Vibrance: Modify the saturation of muted color ranges.